The Thought For Today

Encouraging You Through God's Word

Psalm 90:4 reminds us, “For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or as a watch in the night.” Psalm 90, attributed to Moses, reminds us to maintain an eternal perspective on God, illustrating how He perceives time differently than we do. God transcends time. He is not bound by the past, present, or the future. He is “Beyond Time”.

When I think about the sovereignty of God and His power to exist before time was time, I am encouraged to know that He understands our struggles and joys fully. Knowing that God actually exists outside of time helps me and hopefully you to rest in His sovereignty and faithfulness, knowing that His promises remain true regardless of our current circumstances.

God is “Beyond Time” when I think about Hannah’s story that is found in 1 Samuel chapters 1 and 2. Specifically, 1 Samuel 1:20 highlights God’s timing in her life. This scripture says, “It came about in due time, after Hannah had conceived, that she gave birth to a son, and she named him Samuel, saying, ‘Because I have asked the Lord for him.'” God’s plans and timing are always perfect and on time, reminding us that He is beyond our human understanding of time.

God is “Beyond Time” when I think about Mary and Martha concerning the death of their brother, Lazarus. In John 11:21-23, lets us know that while Mary and Martha were bound by their grief and the timing of Lazarus’s death, Jesus, being beyond time, knew that He would raise Lazarus and had a greater plan that transcended their immediate circumstances. (Martha then said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” “Even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”)

In the end, our encouragement is that God’s timing surpasses our understanding; He transforms what we perceive as hopeless situations into opportunities for His glory but for our good, demonstrating that He alone is truly “Beyond Time”.