A lot of times when things happen in life, we want God to change the person or our situation. And there are times that God will do just that. For example, the bible uses the story in Mark chapter 6 verses 38-44 of Jesus taking 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feed 5,000 men (not including women and children). Jesus changed that situation. In Exodus chapter 14 when the children of Israel were faced with Pharaoh behind them and the Red Sea in front of them, God changed their situation.
However, there are times in your life and in my life when we must cry out, “Change Me, Lord!” We are the ones that need to be changed. There are people and situations that God will not change just for you or for me. There is a bigger purpose. We must be changed to be more like Christ. In Mark 10:17-22 a rich young ruler came to Jesus asking him what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus told him to sell everything he owns and follow him. The man went away sad but Jesus wanted to change this man.
If you want change, you must surrender your life and allow Christ to change you. James 4:8 promises us that if we come close to God, he will come close to us. Your transformation into the man or woman Jesus wants you to be begins simply with “Change Me, Lord!”
“Change Me, Lord!” Prayer: Lord Jesus, I confess my sins to you, those known and unknown. Jesus, I have issues. I need you to change me. I surrender my ways, my thoughts, my feelings and my life to you. I realize that you know what is best for me. Help me to be more like you as I read your word. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.