The Thought For Today

Encouraging You Through God's Word

      You should in no way feel or think that your circumstances will never get better. You should under no circumstances believe that the battle in your life will never cease. God’s hands are not tied that he cannot move right now and fix your situation. Furthermore, you cannot believe that God is not concerned about you. I encourage you today to declare to yourself, your circumstances, your finances, and to Satan that “God’s Got One More Move!” That statement within itself is worthy of our praise! 

All through the Bible God had one more move. Let’s consider Abraham and Sarah who in their old age was able to conceive a child. In the flesh, this was impossible, but God had one more move and Isaac was born. In the Garden of Eden in Genesis Chapter 3, Adam was disobedient to God’s commands and chose to eat of the forbidden tree. This disobedience resulted in sin entering the world and thus separating us from God but God had one more move! In Romans 5:19 it says, “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” Adam locked us up but Jesus set us free because God had one more move.

Because we serve a living, trustworthy and powerful Savior, God continuously has one more move. Whether it is a sickness, money problems, in need of a sound mind, issues in a relationship or difficulty on your job, remember with Jesus on your side, you always have one more move.  

“God’s Got One More Move!” Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank you that you are the God who always has one more move. I thank you that you the God who sees me. There is nothing that catches you off guard. There is nothing that happens in my life that you don’t allow. I thank you that you have me and my situation in your hand. I give you the glory for what is going on in my life. The enemy of my soul does not have the last say so. I repent of any known and unknown sins. Lord, help me to read and understand your Word. Build me up where I am torn down and weak. Lord, help me to know that I represent you in the Earth. Jesus, I surrender my will for your will. In your name I pray, Amen