The Thought For Today

Encouraging You Through God's Word

     Have you ever experienced something in life and thought, wow, I needed that? It may have been a long-awaited vacation. Maybe you longed for a much-needed break from your job. With our bodies and minds exhausted and in need of a mental break, we can say, “It Was Necessary”. Well, what about those difficult times? You know the times when you have come to the end of your rope. All options have been explored; there are dead ends everywhere you turn. No help so it seems is in sight. Even in those difficult situations, I want to encourage you today that “It Was Necessary”.

     When we think about a tough life, I immediately think about David. Yes, that David who was anointed king in spite of being the youngest of 8 boys. The same David who in 1 Samuel chapter 17 who killed Goliath. And yes, the same man who was after God’s own heart. That David who was hiding in caves because King Saul was trying to kill him. In Psalms 34:19 David reminds us that, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” David knew that everything he faced was necessary.

     There are many things we will never fully understand. For example, Ruth. In the first chapter of Ruth, we find that her husband has died. You can imagine that she was brokenhearted, confused and lost. Instead of going back to her homeland, she remained with her mother-in- law, Naomi. Ruth later married Boaz and they became the great grandparents of King David all because “It Was Necessary”.

     You may find yourself bombarded with no peace, fighting fear, and full of anxiety.  But Philippians 4:6 reminds us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” For reasons we may never know and understand, “It Was Necessary”.

     You and I don’t have to understand the whys of what is going on right now. We must simply decide to trust Jesus. It’s time for each believer to gird up our loins and have a testimony to share of our deliverance and our God. In His sovereignty God will cause everything that we go through to work together for our good because “It was Necessary”.