To be broke means to be shattered; to be in several pieces; no longer whole. If you are broken, then you are in need of being repaired/made new.
You have 2 choices to choose from:
1. choose to be temporarily repaired or patched up- the world’s way
2. choose to be completely and forever whole or mended- God’s way
Choice #1’s way of being fixed is the world’s way of solving our problems. We are told by the world to use drugs, men, women, alcohol, sex, gambling or shopping to numb the pain. Some of us have adopted the “fake it to you make it” mentality. But, we all know that numbness and being fake only lasts for a moment. There is only one solution to any problem that we have in this world…JESUS!
In Matthew 8 verses 1-4, we see that Jesus healed the leper who needed to be cleaned. In 2 Samuel chapter 12 after David had sinned with Bathsheba, had her husband killed and conceived a child with her, he needed to be fixed/made whole. After all that, David repented and said in Psalm 51:4, “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge.” When you and I humble ourselves before a righteous and holy God and repent of our sins, He will restore us and make us new. Just like Jesus did it for the woman at the well, He wants to do it for you. Just like Jesus changed Saul to Paul, He wants to give you a new name.
Whatever you are facing today, Jesus is more than able to mend, repair, heal and deliver whatever is broken in you.
Search yourself and go deeper: What is broken in you today? Do you need to forgive yourself? Do you need to forgive someone else? Do you trust God and His word?
Action Plan: Pour out your heart to the Lord. Be raw and totally honest with Him about how you feel. Tell Him about your fears. Talk to Him about your insecurities. Then wait to hear what the Spirit has to say to you. Be ready to surrender it all to Him and to obey.