The Thought For Today

Encouraging You Through God's Word

     The word vision means the act or power of seeing. Our physical vision is an important part of our lives. However, our physical vision can deceive us. We often judge situations and people by how things look on the outside. We think some people have it going on just by what we see with our eyes. However, in this life, we cannot always believe what we see. There are two types of visions- carnal/worldly vision and spiritual vision. In 2 Corinthians 5:7, it says for us to walk by faith and not by sight. For us to walk by faith, we must have the spiritual vision which comes by Jesus. As believers, we must fine-tune our discernment. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, you and I should see Christ in every situation.  When we use our spiritual vision, we are trusting Jesus in every circumstance. We cannot be distracted by the vision that Satan tries to show us. You and I must set our vision and focus on Jesus.

“Search yourself and go deeper”:

  1. What kind of vision do you have?
  2. Depending on your situation, are you using a worldly or a spiritual viewpoint?

Action Plan:

  1. Search yourself and be open with Jesus about the kind of vision you have.
  2. Pray for spiritual vision.
  3. Make a decision to focus on Jesus and His Word.