The Thought For Today

Encouraging You Through God's Word

     Have you ever faced a situation, a challenge, or bad news and thought you were defeated? That’s it; game over! Well, life as you well know has a way of painting the picture of discouragement, gloom and doom, and weariness. Life challenges our determination. However, as believers, we should never stay in that defeated mindset.

       I love God’s Word because in it we can always find a counteractive solution to our problems. In times of despair, it offers us comfort and hope. Whenever we encounter brokenness, Jesus extends his mending touch. I just recently started studying the Book of James. I have found James 1:3 to be true. It says, “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” Are you aware that the term endurance or steadfastness actually means to “to remain under”? Consider this: if we were to avoid difficulties and only walk down an easy path in life, our Christian character would never truly be tested or strengthened; we would essentially be spiritual infants. Trials serve to strengthen our faith and develop our spiritual maturity.

     If I am honest, I don’t know anyone who enjoys tests and trials, let alone fully understands their purpose. So, as believers in Jesus, we can count it all joy when facing trials because in them we learn to rely on God and our trust is strengthen in Him (see James 1:2). Remember that faith that is tested becomes genuine faith, rugged faith, and uncompromising faith.

     Today, I urge you to remain steadfast and stand firm in your faith in Jesus as 1 Corinthians 15:58 tells us. Encourage yourself in Galatians 6:9 and persevere without losing hope. Seek refuge in your strong tower, as Proverbs 18:10 assures that there is safety within His walls.

    Our gracious and powerful God does not remain passive while we face life’s challenges; instead, He assures us of His presence and provides us with the strength to prevail.